Wednesday 21 January 2009

003: The Lean & Reem Tour - Paris

The WiFi was so shit in Europe, or kept dropping out, so I didn't get much (or any) chance to write much. It's all still fresh in my head so I'll do a brief rundown, and then add some photos at the end.

We left Surrey at 5am, to get the 8:40am EuroTunnel. When we got there, we found it had been delayed until 10:50 for some reason, so we sat in the terminal and had a full English! After an uneventful journey, we missioned it to the venue in Paris, which was actually within the same building as La Cigale, the venue that we last went to for the Fall Out Boy show.

Once all soundchecks were complete, me and Bobby walked the 1 mile to the hotel, which was right next to the Moulin Rouge and on the corner of Place du Clinchy. After check in, and telling a drugged up would-be mugger to 'get the fuck away from me' in a Yorkshire accent (which caused him to actually get the fuck away from me), it was show time at La Boule Noir.

Once we'd loaded out, the bands new manager who had flown out, took us all to a sweet Irish bar down the street which stayed open longer for all 20 of us, including the awesome guys in the support band, A Thousand Leaves, to party.

The support band were so friendly, and so eager to talk to us all about the scene in the UK, and I really got a sense that they were so frustrated that the French music scene is totally shit. They are a really good band, with an amazing front man, and could do so well in the UK and I'd really like to help them out.

After a 3am parking nightmare (the van is more than 2.40m tall) and a half-assed argument in french with a right old basatrd, it was time to get some shut-eye in a tiny hotel with more stairs than rooms.

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