Sunday 29 March 2009

005 - It Begins

I have just confirmed to tour manage Alesana from the US on a mainland Europe tour in May-June! My first headline tour as tour manager is in far, far Europe (Finland, Sweden, Italy, Austria etc etc) and it's also my first tour ever on a nightliner which is so fucking exciting! A tour where I can have at least one beer a day if I want!

Emarosa also have 'officially' asked me to go tour manage their headline tour in the FUCKING USA too! 6 weeks in the states would be such an amazing time, if not the best thing that I have ever done. Just in talks about the logistics and visas and things, but I hope we can sort it out!

I'm going to learn so much and I'm going to share it here. I'm just halfway through getting quotes on busses. We need 14 berth and I'm trying (and hoping) to get a 'MegaLoader' or similar - with big enough bays on the bus for all the backline and merch, so we don't have the added expense of a trailer. A trailer increases the length of the bus which means you have to give the driver usually an extra £20 a day, it also costs about £2000 to hire for a sizeable tour, and most importantly it increases the price of any ferry crossings you need to make (we'll be getting on 7 ferries on this tour!). 

Here are the dates:

15 May 200920:00
16 May 200920:00
17 May 200920:00
Watt BasementRotterdam
18 May 200920:00
19 May 200920:00
20 May 200920:00
21 May 200920:00
22 May 200920:00
23 May 200920:00
Sticky FingersGoteborg
25 May 200920:00
27 May 200920:00
28 May 200920:00
Siesta FestivalenHassleholm
29 May 200920:00
30 May 200920:00
Conne IslandLeipzig
31 May 200920:00
2 Jun 200920:00
Zoe ClubMilan
3 Jun 200920:00
Planet RockPinareall di cervia
4 Jun 200920:00

Keep safe,

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